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Frequently asked Questions


​Q. How are sites allocated, especially when a preference has been requested?


A. The committee allocates sites based on:

     1) The date the application is received

     2) The type and quality of the produce

     3) The overall balance and variety of exhibits


Q. Can you tell me where my stall can be placed before I send in the application form?


A. Each type of stall (e.g. trade, animals, market, food, drinks) is allocated to particular areas around the oval. It is not possible to confirm actual stall placement until after the committee has finalised allocations in February. Stall allocations will be emailed to you, approximately a month before the event.


Q. Can I request a shady site?


A. As the venue for the Field Day is a sporting oval, there is very little shade available on the site. The best adjustment we can make is the orientation of the stall, ie facing north, south, east or west. If your product has particular needs (eg foods that will spoil if in the sun all day) please indicate your need for minimal sun and we will try and place you in a southern or eastern orientation. Be sure to provide sufficient sun protection with your stall covering.


Q. How can I be sure people will find my stall on the day?


A. Ensure you have a clear banner or signage on your stall. Large maps and an index of the stalls are displayed at the gates and near the Information Office so visitors can locate the position of stalls they wish to find. BSFFD committee members man an Information Office to assist people if required.


Q. Can I print out the Exhibitor Application form and email or post it?


A. We prefer exhibitors to complete and submit forms on line. If you have difficulty doing this, please either contact us by email and we will assist you to complete it or you can print it, complete the details and post it, attention:

Exhibitor Applications - PO Box 118, BALINGUP 6253.


Please note: Faxed applications are not accepted.


Q. The Exhibitor Online Application won't submit when I click on it.


A. Depending on the type of stall you are applying for, you will be required to attach relevant paperwork and all questions with an asterisk must be answered. The application will not submit if you don't.


Q. How do I attach the paperwork required to apply for a stall.


A. You will need to scan the paperwork and save it as a pdf or jpeg. Both these formats can be attached to your online application. If you have difficulty in doing this, then you can post a copy to, attention:


Exhibitor Applications - PO Box 118, BALINGUP 6253.


The questions above are specific to exhibitors looking to display their product or service at the event. If you are an exhibitor and your question has not been answered please click here
For all other enquiries (not an exhibitor) go to the contact page and submit your query


 Copyright 2025 Balingup Small Farm Field Day

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